
Serie: “Happy Birthday”

Das Thema dieser Serie “Happy Birthday” weckt eine ganze Reihe von Assoziationen. Es verweist nicht nur auf die Geburt eines neuen Lebens, sondern auch auf den Anfang einer völlig neuen Zukunft mit neuen Wertvorstellungen neuen Visionen, neuen Hoffnungen, neuer Liebe… Ich möchte die Begegnung mit jener neuen Zukunft feiern. Ich möchte glauben, dass so wie wir durch die Dunkelheit auf die Erde gefunden haben, und so wie die Bäume und Gräser auch im kalten Winterwind ihre Lebensenergie bewahren, um im Frühling neue Blüten zu treiben, auf alle Trauer und Leid irgendwann der Geburtstag einer neuen lichtdurchströmten Welt folgt.
The theme of the series “Happy Birthday” contains several meanings.
It is not only a new life that is born, but also (a) completely new future(s) – new moral values, new images, new hopes, new loves etc. I want to celebrate the encounter with all the possible new futures.
I want to believe that just as we were born onto this earth through darkness, and as the plants and the trees preserve their vital energy even in the cold winter wind to blossom again in spring, the „birthday“ of a new world full of light will come and put an end to all the pain and sorrow.

Date Of Birth (2014, Oil and egg tempera on canvas, 160 x 200 cm)
Date Of Birth (2014, Oil and egg tempera on canvas, 160 x 200 cm)
Birth (2014, Oil and egg tempera on canvas, 85 x 100 cm)
Birth (2014, Oil and egg tempera on canvas, 85 x 100 cm)
Wind (2014, Oil and egg tempera on canvas, 31 x 30 cm)
Wind (2014, Oil and egg tempera on canvas, 31 x 30 cm)
Smile (2014, Oil and egg tempera on panel, 20 x 15 cm)
Smile (2014, Oil and egg tempera on panel, 20 x 15 cm)
Manic (2014, Oil and egg tempera on panel, 20 x 15 cm
Manic (2014, Oil and egg tempera on panel, 20 x 15 cm
River (2014, Oil, egg tempera, Sumi-ink and Gofun-pigment on canvas, 85 x 100 cm)
River (2014, Oil, egg tempera, Sumi-ink and Gofun-pigment on canvas, 85 x 100 cm)
Be-Bop (2014, Oil and egg tempera on canvas, 40 x 40 cm)
Be-Bop (2014, Oil and egg tempera on canvas, 40 x 40 cm)
Jazz (2013, Sumi-ink, Gofun-white, coffee, oil and egg tempera on canvas, 40x 40 cm)
Jazz (2013, Sumi-ink, Gofun-white, coffee, oil and egg tempera on canvas, 40x 40 cm)
Morning Glow (2014, Oil and Sumi-ink on canvas, 30 x 30 cm)
Morning Glow (2014, Oil and Sumi-ink on canvas, 30 x 30 cm)
Nightfish (2014, Sumi-ink and Gofun-pigment on canvas, 30 x 40 cm)
Nightfish (2014, Sumi-ink and Gofun-pigment on canvas, 30 x 40 cm)